Saturday 31 August 2013

133 Posts For NET Candidates

Dear Friends,
                  More than Hundred Jobs are added. HURRY! BAG THE OPPORTUNITY. You can apply for the following posts based on your mark sheet even though you do not have a NET certificate because no high courts and division benches have put stay on the verdict of Kerala High Court and soon we will get justice in the Supreme   ..............................

Friday 30 August 2013

Additional 38 Posts As Assistant Professor Are Open

Dear Friends,                 
                 Additional 38 jobs are added for you. HURRY! BAG THE OPPORTUNITY. You can apply for the following posts based on your mark sheet even though you do not have a NET certificate because no high courts and division benches have put stay on the verdict of Kerala High Court and soon we will get


Dear Friends,
                     Additional 4 jobs are added for you. HURRY! BAG THE OPPORTUNITY. You can apply for the following posts based on your mark sheet even though you do not have a NET certificate because no high courts and division benches have put stay on the verdict of Kerala High Court and soon we will get justice in the Supreme Court as we have entered into the final phase. Thank you.
Assistant Professor in Mathematics            1 Post                        6th September   
Assistant Professor in Chmistry                   2 Posts
Assistant Professor in Physics                     1 Post

Central University of Rajasthan             .               Click me for detailed information

Wednesday 28 August 2013

5 Minutes A Day Keep Bad Things Away

 Dear Friends,

         Can you spare 5 minutes for your friend 'Yuvi', if yes, read the following article for me thoroughly. This can change your life for ever. 

            Every time, I update any news on postponement of court case, I receive pessimistic replies and responses. Anxiety prevails. We worry about our future and so on. It is natural that we react in this way. We need to be confident. We need to be happy. We need prosperity. Even though the situation around us is troublesome, we need to be peaceful.

        It is easier said than done. Why we are not able to live positively because we have forgotten our ancestral Indian theological heritage. Let us come to the point:

       You must have observed SHREE YANTRA located at the left side of the post. Before clicking on it, please read my article thoroughly and follow instructions given. You will be immensely benefited as I have. Believe me. Let me introduce you to SHREE YANTRA.

      The ‘Shree Yantra’ also called ‘Shree Chakra’ is a beautiful and complex sacred geometry used for worship, devotion and meditation. It has been in use for thousands of years and its origin seems unknown.
  • The ‘Shree Yantra’ is a sacred geometry that originated in India. 
  • There are many variations of the ‘Shree Yantra’. 
  • Nobody seems to know what the original configuration is. 
  • There are three main forms of the ‘Shree Yantra’: Plane, pyramidal, spherical.

               ‘Shree Yantra’ was known in India as early as 7000 BC. Vedic scriptures mention of the ‘Shree Yantra’ symbol as being revealed by the Gods. Modern science too has acknowledged the cosmic power of multi pyramid grids of  ‘Shree Yantra’. Most of the temples and places of worship in India were built on the lines of ‘Shree Yantra’ Meru formation. Even in places like Cambodia, Indonesia and Egypt which has ancient Indian influence, the places of worship and pyramids were built on the lines of ‘Shree Yantra’. The very formation of ‘Shree Yantra’ brings in such a tremendous amount of peace and good fortune. The renowned American physicist Dr. Patrick Flanagan calls the ‘Shree Yantra’ the 'king of power symbols' and describes its energetic effect as seventy times greater than that of a pyramid construction. A three centimetre ‘Shree Yantra’ possesses a greater energetic effect than a two meter pyramid.

                ‘Shree yantra’ is a powerful, magical and positive energy sign used in Buddhists and Hindus communities. ‘Shree yantra’ is popular to provide prosperity, good fortune, peace and harmony. ‘Shree yantra’ is an important and auspicious equipment that provides maximum advantages to everybody using it. Since ages, saints and mystics are always familiar with the power of triangular formulations like stars and pyramids. There were plain pyramids in Egypt, Star of Bethlehem as a Lucky star in Christianity and Star of David as a sacred sign of Jewish religion. The Synagogues, Churches and temples had always the pyramid formations. The moment you enter into these places, you will feel deep feelings of happiness and peace. ‘Shree yantra’ is made in the three dimensional form having multi-triangular pyramids pointing towards positive powers and unlimited abundance.

               Okay, I think, such an introduction is enough. NOW MY ROLE BEGINS NOW. READ CAREFULLY. Besides, the benefits and advantages of ‘Shree Yantra’ mentioned above, one of the main features and extremely important benefits is that we can improve our concentration and we can reduce the thoughts in our mind and we can begin living in present. IN SHORT, I AM GOING TO TEACH YOU NOW 'HOW TO MEDITATE AND HOW TO IMPROVE OUR CONCENTRATION'. Let us see how we can do it. 

              Read the following instructions and do as they advise.

If you click on the ‘Shree yantra’ posted at the right corner you will be moved to the next page. Some instructions are given under the title 'How To Meditate'. 

            After reading the instructions, click on the link. You will see SHREE YANTRA full screen. Start gazing at the centre of SHREE YANTRA for 5 minutes. You will experience what I have mentioned under the instructions 'How To Meditate'.

             If you do it for minimum 5 minutes daily, you will see that your life has changed forever.

If you do not find that your concentration is not improved at least, I will abandon writing on this blog.

            By the way, it's the time to check and experience. Let me prove it. FEEL FREE TO POST COMMENT. YOU ARE WELCOME. NOW CLICK ON THE SHREE YANTRA, FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AND SEE MAGIC.



Tuesday 27 August 2013

SC : SLP : Remaining Part On Wednesday, 4th September

Dear Friends,
                   The court hearing began today. The judges listened our pleading for half an hour. As the court was to be shut at 1 pm, not full justification was able to be made. Half of our pleading will be heard on Wednesday, 4th September. Most importantly, the judges also held our stand and reprimanded the lawyer of UGC on behalf of us. Our lawyer did not leave any opportunity to take objection against the opinion of lawyer of UGC and asserted and focused on some eye opening matters. Good luck. Thank you.

Monday 26 August 2013

Additional 38 Posts Are Open For NET Holders

 Dear Friends,
                      Additional 38 jobs are added for you. HURRY! BAG THE OPPORTUNITY. You can apply for the following posts based on your mark sheet even though you do not have a NET certificate because no high courts and division benches have put stay on the verdict of Kerala High Court and soon we will get justice in the Supreme Court as we have entered into the final phase. Thank you.
Assistant Professor in  -
(a) Agricultural Economics –                                                                       1 Post
(b) Agricultural Extension –                                                                         1 Post
(c) Agricultural Microbiology –                                                                   1 Post
(d) Agronomy –                                                                                             1 Post
(e) Entomology –                                                                                          1 Post
(f) Genetics & Plant Breeding –                                                                  9 Posts
(g) Plant Pathology –                                                                                    2 Posts
(h) Plant Physiology –                                                                                   2 Posts
(i) Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry –                                                4  Posts
(j) Statistics –                                                                                                1 Post

Assistant Professor in 
(a) Agricultural Engineering –                                                                      9 Posts
(b) Agricultural Process & Food Engineering –                                           1 Post
(c) Agricultural Structure Group –                                                                1 Post
(d) Soil & Water Engineering –                                                                     1 Post

Assistant Professor in
(a) Apparel & Textiles –                                                                               1 Post
(b) Extension Education –                                                                            1 Post
(c) Resource Management and Consumer Sciences                                  1 Post


Last Date: 31st August, 2013                            Click me for detailed information  

Sunday 25 August 2013

An Important Message In Public Interest

Dear Friends,

                   As rupee crisis is prevailing all over India, this is an important article regarding rupee devaluation day by day. Kindly read this post for our India. Thank you.

                                      Real story of American Dollar v/s Indian Rupee

                   This is an excellent research done by a guy Siva Kumar Ari from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. An Advice to all who are worrying about fall of Indian Rupee.
                   Throughout the country please stop using cars except for emergency for only seven days (Just 7 days). Definitely Dollar rate will come down. This is true. The value to dollar is given by petrol only.This is called Derivative Trading. America has stopped valuing its Dollar with Gold 70 years ago.

                   Americans understood that Petrol is equally valuable as Gold so they made Agreement with all the Middle East countries to sell petrol in Dollars only. That is why Americans print their Dollar as legal tender for debts. This mean if you don't like their American Dollar and go to their  Governor and ask for repayment in form of Gold,as in India they won't give you Gold.
                 You observe Indian Rupee, " I promise to pay the bearer..." is clearly printed along with the signature of Reserve Bank Governor. This mean, if you don't like Indian Rupee and ask for repayment,Reserve Bank of India will pay you back an equal value of gold.(Actually there may be minor differences in the Transaction dealing rules, but for easy comprehension I am explaining this).
             Let us see an example. Indian petroleum minister goes to Middle East country to purchase petrol, the Middle East petrol bunk people will say that liter petrol is one Dollar. But Indians won't have dollars. They have Indian Rupees. So what to do now? So That Indian Minister will ask America to give Dollars. American Federal Reserve will take a white paper , print Dollars on it and give it to the Indian Minister. Like this we get dollars , pay it to petrol bunks and buy petrol.
             But there is a fraud here. If you change your mind and want to give back the Dollars to America we can't demand them to pay Gold in return for the Dollars. They will say " Have we promised to return something back to you? Haven't you checked the Dollar ? We clearly printed on the Dollar that it is Debt"

               So, Americans don't need any Gold with them to print Dollars. They will print Dollars on white papers as they like.
             But what will Americans give to the Middle East countries for selling petrol in Dollars only?
               Middle East kings pay rent to America for protecting their kings and heirs. Similarly they are still paying back the Debt to America for constructing Roads and Buildings in their countries. This is the value of American Dollar. That is why Many say some day the Dollar will be destroyed.
            At present the problem of India is the result of buying those American Dollars. American white papers are equal to Indian Gold. So if we reduce the consumption of petrol and cars, Dollar will come down.
            The Above Details are translated originally from Telugu Language to English by Radhika Gr.  
             And here is a small thing other than petrol , what we can do to our Indian Rupee.

Please spare a couple of minutes here for the sake of India. Here's a small example:-
At 2008 August month 1 US $ = INR Rs 39.40 At 2013 August now 1 $ = INR Rs 62
Do you think US Economy is booming? No, but Indian Economy is Going Down.
               Our economy is in your hands.INDIAN economy is in a crisis. Our country like many other ASIAN countries, is undergoing a severe economic crunch. Many INDIAN industries are closing down. The INDIAN economy is in a crisis and if we do not take proper steps to control those, we will be in a critical situation. More than 30,000 crore rupees of foreign exchange are being siphoned out of our country on products such as cosmetics, snacks, tea, beverages, etc. which are grown, produced and consumed here.
                 A cold drink that costs only 70 / 80 paise to produce, is sold for Rs.9 and a major chunk of profits from these are sent abroad. This is a serious drain on INDIAN economy. We have nothing against Multinational companies, but to protect our own interest we request everybody to use INDIAN products only at least for the next two years. With the rise in petrol prices, if we do not do this, the Rupee will devalue further and we will end up paying much more for the same products in the near future.
                  What you can do about it? Buy only products manufactured by WHOLLY INDIAN COMPANIES.Each individual should become a leader for this awareness. This is the only way to save our country from severe economic crisis. You don't need to give-up your lifestyle. You just need to choose an alternate product.
       Daily products which are COLD DRINKS,BATHING SOAP ,TOOTH PASTE,TOOTH BRUSH ,SHAVING CREAM,BLADE, TALCUM POWDER ,MILK POWDER ,SHAMPOO , Food Items etc. all you need to do is buy Indian Goods and Make sure Indian rupee is not crossing outside India.
           Every INDIAN product you buy makes a big difference. It saves INDIA. Let us take a firm decision today.
          We are not anti-multinational. we are trying to save our nation. every day is a struggle for a real freedom. we achieved our independence after losing many lives. They died painfully to ensure that we live peacefully. the current trend is very threatening. Multinationals call it globalization of Indian economy. for Indians like you and me, it is re-colonization of India. the colonist's left India then. but this time, they will make sure they don't make any mistakes.
           Russia, South Korea, Mexico - the list is very long!! let us learn from their experience and from our history. let us do the duty of every true Indian. finally, it's obvious that you can't give up all of the items mentioned above. so give up at least one item for the sake of our country!
           We would be sending useless forwards to our friends daily. Instead, please forward this to all your friends to create awareness.

Saturday 24 August 2013

More Jobs Are In The Queue : UPDATED

Dear Friends,

                   MORE JOBS ARE IN THE QUEUE NOW. I HAVE UPDATED AND UPLOADED MORE JOBS FOR YOU. HURRY! BAG THE OPPORTUNITY. You can apply for the following posts based on your mark sheet even though you do not have a NET certificate because no high courts and division benches have put stay on the verdict of Kerala High Court and soon we will get justice in the Supreme Court as we have entered into the final phase. Thank you.

Assistant Professor in Elect. Engi.            3 Posts                        30th August                                          
G. K. Choudhary Inst. of Engi. & Techno.               Click me for detailed information
*                  *                         *                       *                         *                            *
Assistant Professor in Food Proc. Tech.    3 Posts                        30th August                                          
G. K. Choudhary Inst. of Engi. & Techno.               Click me for detailed information
 *                  *                         *                       *                         *                            *
Assistant Librarian                                      1 Post                          30th August                                          
G. K. Choudhary Inst. of Engi. & Techno.               Click me for detailed information
 *                  *                         *                       *                         *                            *  

Jackpot For NET Candidates : 281 Vacant Posts

Dear Friends,

                   I HAVE UPDATED OR UPLOADED MORE JOBS FOR YOU. HURRY! BAG THE OPPORTUNITY. You can apply for the following posts based on your mark sheet even though you do not have a NET certificate because no high courts and division benches have put stay on the verdict of Kerala High Court and soon we will get justice in the Supreme Court as we have entered into the final phase. Thank you.
Assistant Professor                                125 Posts                        26th August                                          
Indian Institute of Technology, Rurkee.                   Click me for detailed information
*                  *                         *                       *                         *                            *
Assistant Professor                                156 Posts                        26th August                                          
Maharashtra Public Service Commission.              Click me for detailed information

Some Posts Are Waiting For You

Dear Friends,
                   You can apply for the following posts based on your mark sheet even though you do not have a NET certificate because no high courts and division benches have put stay on the verdict of Kerala High Court and soon we will get justice in the Supreme Court as we have entered into the final phase. Thank you.

 *          *            *           *         *          *         *

Assistant Lecturer in Bio Chemistry                2 Posts                       29th August

Goa Medical College                                         Click me for detailed information

*          *            *           *         *           *          *

Insurance Medical Officer                                1 Post                        29th August                                          

Labour Department                                           Click me for detailed information

*          *            *           *          *           *          *

Assistant Professors in Management              2 Posts                        29th August   
Assistant Professors in Accounting                 3Posts                         29th August   
Assistant Professors in Economics                  1 Post                          29th August   
Assistant Professors in Maths-Stats               1 Post                          29th August   
Directorate of Higher Education                       Click me for detailed information

*          *            *           *         *           *            *

Librarian                                                             1 Post                         29th August                                           

Directorate of Higher Education                       Click me for detailed information

*          *            *           *         *           *             *

College Director of Physical Education            1 Post                        29th August                                            

Directorate of Higher Education                       Click me for detailed information

*          *            *           *          *           *             *

Friday 23 August 2013

SC : SLP : In - Depth Hearing On Tuesday, 27th August.

Dear Friends,
           As everyone knows Monday and Friday are generally kept for miscellaneous court cases, so our court case is postponed to Tuesday 27th August. Yesterday, the lawyer strove hard to connect our case to Mr. Yogesh Yadav's case, but our lawyer ruled out his arguement. In this scenario, the detailed analysis was needed for judges to come to conclusion. So, the judges will have full and in-depth review of our case on Tuesday.
             Fortunately, our case is so strong to accept SLP filed by UGC. Thank you. Nice weekend.

Thursday 22 August 2013

SC : SLP : To Accept Or To Reject

Dear Friends,
                   As you know, various forums in the form of blogs, website and groups are opened or set up on UGC NET JUNE 2012 Issue. Now in the current situation, two scenario arises whether Supreme Court accepts the Special Leave Petition or rejects it and what are its consequences on us and what acceptance and rejection  mean. Secondly, the whole community of victimized candidates is moving around the debate that Supreme Court accepted the Special Leave Petition today or not.
                      Let me elaborate it in short:
                      Special leave to appeal are filed before the Supreme Court under Article 136 of the Constitution. The Supreme Court may accept or reject the same. The consequences of rejection are of far reaching effect. The Apex Court may reject the petition seeking grant of special leave to appeal, for several reasons. When such special leave petition (SLP) is rejected or allowed what are its consequences? Can it be said that the Supreme Court has declared its view on the legal aspects involved and hence by virtue of Article 141 of the constitution, all lower Courts, Tribunals, etc. are bound by the view of the Apex Court? We have tried to explain the legal implication of rejection of Special Leave Application by the Apex Court.
                     A mere dismissal of SLP does not mean that High Court decisions is approved on merits so as to be a judicial precedent. In Smt. Tej Kumari vs. CIT (2001) 247 ITR 210 Full Bench of the Patna High Court held that when a SLP is summarily rejected or dismissed under Art 136 of the Constitution such dismissal does not lay down any law. The decision of the High Court against which the SLP is dismissed in limine would not operate as resjudicata. However, when Supreme Court dismisses an SLP with reason, it might be taken as the affirmation of the High Court views on merits of the case, thus there is no reason to dilute the binding nature of precedents in such cases.

SC : SLP Hearing Continues Tomorrow

Dear Friends,
The hearing began in Supreme Court today. The judges listened the pleadings partly. The hearing will continue tomorrow. Let us see what happens. Good luck. Thank you.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

22nd August: Judgement Day

Dear friends,
                    After long awaited days for judgment, I think, 22nd August will prove a final day for us. I hope we see no postponement today as we are losing our patience to see verdict being lengthened days after days and month after month even though the blunder lies with the apex institution in higher education.
                  Surprisingly, in the previous hearing, as you know that SC was eagerly waiting for taking a clue from Mr. Yogesh Yadav V/C Competition Commission Of India case. It was based on the same issue that 'whether the rules of the game may be changed in the middle course or not' though it had some major fundamental differences too. Unfortunately, it has gone against Mr. Yogesh Yadav and favoured Competition Commission Of India. So, many students have nervous feelings today but we need not to worry about it as we have won this case in all high courts of India and we have to prove it again in Supreme Court. 
                       So, hope everything will go smooth today. Good luck. Thank you.

P. S. : Please click me for Mr. Yogesh yadav V/S Union Govt. Of India summarized file.

Friday 16 August 2013

SC: SLP Case Postponed to 22nd August

Dear Friends,
I remember the quote of Marciano : "You can run but you can't hide."
Today, the junior advocate of UGC asked for postponement because its senior advocate remained absent today. Hope, he will remain present next time. Thank you.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Happy Independence Day

Kerala High Court Division Bench Waits For Supreme Court Verdict

Dear Friends,
                  Honourable Justice Manjula Chelluran of the Kerala High Court Division Bench has announced that since the Supreme court is announcing its final verdict on the 16th of this month on Special Leave Petition, the high court of Kerala Division Bench is reserving any further verdicts. 
                 This news is shared by our reader named 'Anand ' whom we are very grateful to. Thank you.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

SC : SLP : Hearing Postponed to 16th August

Dear Friends,
The hearing of SLP is postponed to 16 th of August. In a strange, surprising  but necessary move, SC has decided to take clue from another case regarding Competition Commission of India on the same issue and on the same ground. The case is that whether the rules could be altered in the middle of the game or not. The verdict of that case is expected to be declared within some days by Full bench in SC. 
Interestingly, many are discussing the issue of Himani Malhotra which is disposed off earlier. The issue of Himani Malhotra is not relevant here. I will throw some light on it.  If we go into details, it is that:
Himani Malhotra was a case of selection and appointment for the vacant posts in the Delhi Higher Judicial Service and those appointments too were governed by the administrative resolutions of the High Court. For filling up the posts, the Registrar General of the High Court issued an advertisement that laid down that the minimum qualifying mark in the written examination would be 55% for general candidates and 50% for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes candidates. In the advertisement there was no indication at all about any cut off mark.
The SC Division Bench headed by the then Chief Justice of India issued verdict in favour of Himani Malhotra. 
Secondly, one of the judges of our case is also one of the members of full bench. That is why division bench is awaiting  the verdict of  case regarding Competition Commission of India.  So if the verdict of full bench favours the applicant in that case, it will play a vital role in favouring this SLP case to us. As expected, the full bench may not rule out the verdict of Division Bench. So we have to wait for few more days for the final verdict. Good luck. Thank you.

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