Wednesday 28 August 2013

5 Minutes A Day Keep Bad Things Away

 Dear Friends,

         Can you spare 5 minutes for your friend 'Yuvi', if yes, read the following article for me thoroughly. This can change your life for ever. 

            Every time, I update any news on postponement of court case, I receive pessimistic replies and responses. Anxiety prevails. We worry about our future and so on. It is natural that we react in this way. We need to be confident. We need to be happy. We need prosperity. Even though the situation around us is troublesome, we need to be peaceful.

        It is easier said than done. Why we are not able to live positively because we have forgotten our ancestral Indian theological heritage. Let us come to the point:

       You must have observed SHREE YANTRA located at the left side of the post. Before clicking on it, please read my article thoroughly and follow instructions given. You will be immensely benefited as I have. Believe me. Let me introduce you to SHREE YANTRA.

      The ‘Shree Yantra’ also called ‘Shree Chakra’ is a beautiful and complex sacred geometry used for worship, devotion and meditation. It has been in use for thousands of years and its origin seems unknown.
  • The ‘Shree Yantra’ is a sacred geometry that originated in India. 
  • There are many variations of the ‘Shree Yantra’. 
  • Nobody seems to know what the original configuration is. 
  • There are three main forms of the ‘Shree Yantra’: Plane, pyramidal, spherical.

               ‘Shree Yantra’ was known in India as early as 7000 BC. Vedic scriptures mention of the ‘Shree Yantra’ symbol as being revealed by the Gods. Modern science too has acknowledged the cosmic power of multi pyramid grids of  ‘Shree Yantra’. Most of the temples and places of worship in India were built on the lines of ‘Shree Yantra’ Meru formation. Even in places like Cambodia, Indonesia and Egypt which has ancient Indian influence, the places of worship and pyramids were built on the lines of ‘Shree Yantra’. The very formation of ‘Shree Yantra’ brings in such a tremendous amount of peace and good fortune. The renowned American physicist Dr. Patrick Flanagan calls the ‘Shree Yantra’ the 'king of power symbols' and describes its energetic effect as seventy times greater than that of a pyramid construction. A three centimetre ‘Shree Yantra’ possesses a greater energetic effect than a two meter pyramid.

                ‘Shree yantra’ is a powerful, magical and positive energy sign used in Buddhists and Hindus communities. ‘Shree yantra’ is popular to provide prosperity, good fortune, peace and harmony. ‘Shree yantra’ is an important and auspicious equipment that provides maximum advantages to everybody using it. Since ages, saints and mystics are always familiar with the power of triangular formulations like stars and pyramids. There were plain pyramids in Egypt, Star of Bethlehem as a Lucky star in Christianity and Star of David as a sacred sign of Jewish religion. The Synagogues, Churches and temples had always the pyramid formations. The moment you enter into these places, you will feel deep feelings of happiness and peace. ‘Shree yantra’ is made in the three dimensional form having multi-triangular pyramids pointing towards positive powers and unlimited abundance.

               Okay, I think, such an introduction is enough. NOW MY ROLE BEGINS NOW. READ CAREFULLY. Besides, the benefits and advantages of ‘Shree Yantra’ mentioned above, one of the main features and extremely important benefits is that we can improve our concentration and we can reduce the thoughts in our mind and we can begin living in present. IN SHORT, I AM GOING TO TEACH YOU NOW 'HOW TO MEDITATE AND HOW TO IMPROVE OUR CONCENTRATION'. Let us see how we can do it. 

              Read the following instructions and do as they advise.

If you click on the ‘Shree yantra’ posted at the right corner you will be moved to the next page. Some instructions are given under the title 'How To Meditate'. 

            After reading the instructions, click on the link. You will see SHREE YANTRA full screen. Start gazing at the centre of SHREE YANTRA for 5 minutes. You will experience what I have mentioned under the instructions 'How To Meditate'.

             If you do it for minimum 5 minutes daily, you will see that your life has changed forever.

If you do not find that your concentration is not improved at least, I will abandon writing on this blog.

            By the way, it's the time to check and experience. Let me prove it. FEEL FREE TO POST COMMENT. YOU ARE WELCOME. NOW CLICK ON THE SHREE YANTRA, FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AND SEE MAGIC.




  1. Thanks Yuvi, I am always confidential and think positive. But sometime I loss my concentration. thanks for remind sri rayna.......

  2. Hi....yuvi sir ....
    tell me one think, on the basis of 2012 June net mark sheet without having a NET certificate, we can apply for assistant professor jobs in all over India, it is possible or not....... i am waiting your reply

  3. Hi....yuvi sir ....
    tell me one think, on the basis of 2012 June net mark sheet without having a NET certificate, we can apply for assistant professor jobs in all over India, it is possible or not....... i am waiting your reply

  4. Hi....yuvi sir ....
    tell me one think, on the basis of 2012 June net mark sheet without having a NET certificate, we can apply for assistant professor jobs in all over India, it is possible or not....... i am waiting your reply

  5. Hi....yuvi sir ....
    tell me one think, on the basis of 2012 June net mark sheet without having a NET certificate, we can apply for assistant professor jobs in all over India, it is possible or not....... i am waiting your reply

    1. Dear Santosh,
      I beg your pardon that I could not reply u back as I was out of station and I could not connect to the Internet due to roaming. By the way you can apply on the basis of mark sheet and even though you do not have a NET certificate. Recently, CBSE held an examination for Assistant Professor and Assistant Director. Many students who do not have certificates had applied for that post and they took exam. Most importantly, your NET CERTIFICATE is necessary if you are selected for the post. And even though you do not have then, you can produce necessary court verdicts. Okay? If you are not clarified yet, ask anytime. I will help you.


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