Wednesday 21 August 2013

22nd August: Judgement Day

Dear friends,
                    After long awaited days for judgment, I think, 22nd August will prove a final day for us. I hope we see no postponement today as we are losing our patience to see verdict being lengthened days after days and month after month even though the blunder lies with the apex institution in higher education.
                  Surprisingly, in the previous hearing, as you know that SC was eagerly waiting for taking a clue from Mr. Yogesh Yadav V/C Competition Commission Of India case. It was based on the same issue that 'whether the rules of the game may be changed in the middle course or not' though it had some major fundamental differences too. Unfortunately, it has gone against Mr. Yogesh Yadav and favoured Competition Commission Of India. So, many students have nervous feelings today but we need not to worry about it as we have won this case in all high courts of India and we have to prove it again in Supreme Court. 
                       So, hope everything will go smooth today. Good luck. Thank you.

P. S. : Please click me for Mr. Yogesh yadav V/S Union Govt. Of India summarized file.


  1. Be cool. Definitely we will win the case. Mr. Yogesh yadav V/S Union Govt. Of India case related to Recruitment but, our case related to Eligibility. In our case, UGC did so many injustice which is not supported by law. ( Violation of Articles- 12, 14 and 21 of Indian Constitute). In announcement of Supplementary Result by UGC, UGC itself violated its own criteria which was fixed during the first time result announcement. Just check the Register Number mentioned here.

    1. Reg.No-16930120
    2. Reg.No-72871966
    3. Reg.No-72871721
    4. Reg.No-41380138

    The above student's aggregate marks is below 50%, which is available in Supplementary Result.

    That means, UGC is fixing today one criteria, tomorrow one criteria, day after tomorrow one more and so on......

    Then what about Students, who preparing for exams according to instructions given during the notification?..

    That means there is no value for notification or what?

    So, after observing all, definitely we will win the case..

    Good luck to all...........

    1. What she said is very true but we never know...


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