Wednesday 9 October 2013

The Injustice: A Detailed Study Of June 2012 NET : Part Fourth

Dear Friends, 
         This is the fourth part of the A MUST READ series of articles named The Injustice: A Detailed Study Of June 2012 NET written by Sam Saran. I request you to read the first, second and third part so that you  can get idea. Please click on the following link below to read
You can also share your view with other readers cum victims through this blog. Feel free to write me at
A letter written by Sam Saran
Part D : Other statistics

                The above table is self explanatory. If you browse result/mark sheet of June 2012 in UGC website, you can replace the name of students of A to H with their original name and register numbers. 
Theory of Central Tendency and Normal Distribution- Model
                Naturally every distribution is normal or tends to be normal. If you check the height of people, you can see very low number of peoples is in extreme ends, means only a few people will have with gigantic height and dwarfish height. In every exam of 100 marks, a few people could score near 100 or near 0. Most of candidates will come near to a central value that is average. If the number people having marks above average and below average is equal it is called normal distribution.
                Let us take an example as 1000 candidates attended an exam with maximum score can be 100. Then the distribution will be as follows.


Calculation of Mean (Average):

Mean = 46200/1000 = 46.2. About 730 students (73%) are nearby average. Their marks lie between 30 to 60


Coming soon
Part Last : Part E – Case study
A case study of a commerce student


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