Monday 29 July 2013

Verdict of Kerala High Court Division Bench Postponed

Dear Friends, 
                    The verdict of Kerala High Court Division Bench is postponed to second week of the month of August. Thank you.

Sunday 28 July 2013

Details of Delhi High Court Hearing

Dear Friends,
                  One of our victims and daily reader of this blog named Radhika has posted the details of Delhi High Court Verdict Hearing as she is the eye witness of court hearing. The following is the report in her words. I hope it will be useful for us. Before leaving, I am thankful to Radhika for  her valuable contribution. Best of luck for tomorrow's verdict in Kerala High Court Division Bench. Thank you.

                " I went to the Delhi High Court hearing on the 25th so thought I'd post here about it. The hearing started off well, with the UGC lawyers getting a good telling-off by the judge for their lax behaviour  no-shows and failures to send replies in time. The judge was also determined to wrap up the case as soon as possible. 

The judge however for a long time stuck to the clause "final criteria will be decided by the UGC before preparation of the result" to say that having said this, the UGC's actions are viable. Nonetheless, on learning that the UGC actually declared the final criteria (19th Sep 2012) only after the declaration of the result (18th Sep 2012), that clause too was struck down. The judge was particularly eager to learn how, once even the supplementary result had been declared, were any candidates being dis-privileged

Since the hearing at the High Court was a day before the listing at the Supreme Court, the judge decided not to wind up the case yet and wait for the result at the SC. However, as far as I have understood, the SC decision rests to some extent on the two division bench judgments at Kerala and Nagpur. We need to keep our fingers crossed that the case doesn't go into cold storage."

                                                                                     ------------------   Radhika. 

Saturday 27 July 2013

Important RTI Reply From UGC

Dear Friends,
                A victim like us named Mr. Pawan Kumar has filed an RTI application. UGC replied to it. The reply is very helpful and important from all perspectives. I personally thankful to Mr. Pawan Kumar who allowed us to post this on our blog and to share it with all victims. It is extremely helpful in court matters and latest court procedures also. So take benefit of it, if it is useful to you. RTI reply is attached below. Thank you. Nice weekend.
A team of administrators

Friday 26 July 2013

SC : SLP : Next Hearing On 7th August Due To Intervention Petition

Dear Friends, 
               The Supreme Court postponed the hearing of Special Leave Petition on Wednesday, 7th August, 2013 because some candidates filed Intervention petition today in Supreme Court. I have already posted an article on Intervention petition to be filed by candidates. Please refer archives. Thank you.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Kerala High Court DB Verdict On 29th July, 2013

Dear Friends,
The Kerala High Court on Monday postponed to July 29 the pronouncement of the judgment on the appeals filed by the UGC against a single judge’s verdict quashing the UGC decision amending the qualification marks for the National Eligibility Test (NET) for lectureship.

The single judge had held that fixing of higher qualification marks as 65, 60 and 55 per cent respectively for general, OBC and SC/ST categories, that too just before the publication of the result, cannot be justified and it was not supported by law.
Thank you.

Monday 22 July 2013

SC : SLP :Postponed to On 26th July

Dear Candidates,
                         Supreme Court postponed the hearing of Special Leave Petition on Friday, 26th July, 2013. In court, UGC wanted next hearing as it pleaded that  it wanted to make some corrections in the annexe of Special Leave Petition. Surprisingly, Supreme Court gave consent to it too. But one can ask for maximum 3 permissions in such cases. 
         As UGC is on the verge of losing this case, it is deliberately lengthening the time period. But, we are surely going to win within these 2 months. So, start preparing for Interview as some new recruitments for Assistant Professor and Assistant Registrar are going to be posted on this blog. Best of luck.

Friday 19 July 2013

Final Verdict of SLP in SC on Monday 22nd July, 2013

Dear Friends,
                  Supreme Court has decided to declare its final verdict on Special Leave Petition on Monday 22nd July, 2013. After hearing the opinion from both sides, Supreme Court has decided Monday as the last day when judgement will be completed.
                  So, do not worry, enjoy weekend to prepare for celebration.
                  There is another good news for us that there are 362 vacancies for 'Assistant Professor' post and other vacancies too which are beckoning us to join. We have also started posting information about it. Kindly watch this blog, click on 'Assistant Professor' tab on navigation bar and apply for it. If we get the final judgement in Supreme Court, we deserve to apply for it. Nice weekend. Thank you.

Thursday 18 July 2013

Preparation For Interview

" We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten days. Don't let yourself be lulled into inaction."

                                 -----------     Bill Gates
Dear Friends,
             It is no longer a dream now that we will get NET certificate sooner. All parts of the machine are working in the right direction. Meantime we must prepare for the Interview for various posts starting from Assistant Professor to Assistant Registrar. 
             After our victory in Supreme Court and receiving our NET certificate, it's an open secret that there will be a huge rush for  such posts or vacancies which require NET qualification. So, you will see some information about vacant posts or recruitments on this blog for Assistant Registrar, Assistant Professor, Teaching Associates or Assistants, Research Associates and many more. If you watch this blog very carefully, you will notice some tabs about the name of such posts mentioned earlier near Home tab. If you click it, it will lead you to concerned vacancies.
            So, keep visiting the blog to make your career bright. We hope that you liked our endeavour. You can post your comments freely. You will be always welcomed and we will be at your service. Thank you again and hearty best of luck to all of you for tomorrow which is Judgment Day for all of us.

Monday 15 July 2013

Kerala High Court Division Bench Verdict Adjourned On 22 nd July

Dear Friends,
                   The verdict of Kerala High Court Division Bench is adjourned. It will be announced On 22nd July of this month. Thank you.
Mr. Ayyar

Sunday 14 July 2013

Hats Off Manish Jha

Dear Non Petitioners,
           It's a good news for non petitioners. Mr. Manish Jha, one of the leaders of UGC NET Exam. 2012 victims, is going to file intervention petition on behalf of non petitioners. The main priority behind his move is to safeguard the interest of the non petitioners. Many students have deposited money into joint account in which he is one of the account holders. 
          Today he had a meeting with senior SC lawyer Mr. Nagendra Roy who was earlier the justice of Patna HC.
          If you want to help or donate fund, kindly contact Mr. Manish Jha on Facebook. Thank you.

Friday 12 July 2013

Kerala High Court Division Bench Verdict on Monday 15th July, 2013

Dear Friends,
                  After a long wait, we are going to hear the verdict of Kerala High Court Division Bench on Monday 15th July, 2013. No surprise that we will win again. The victory in Kerala High Court Division Bench will boost our stand in Special Leave Petition          [ SLP ] in Supreme Court on 19th July of this month. As the fight has entered into final stage, we have to keep fingers crossed. 
                The following is the cause list and the court trial will take place in room no. 1. Thank you and best of luck to all of you.
Mr. Ayyar

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Good Friday: Listing of Special Leave Petition [ SLP ] on 19th July in Supreme Court

Dear Friends,
                  Listing of Special Leave Petition in Supreme Court will be held on 19th July, 2013. Kindly be present there if  you are able to and please update as soon as possible. The follwing is the latest case status:
Mr. Mahajan

Monday 8 July 2013

Get Certificate If Supreme Court Rejects Special Leave Petition [SLP]

Dear Friends,
            If Supreme Court rejects Special Leave Petition - [ Civil ] [ SLP ] filed by UGC against the historical verdict of Nagpur High Court, we may get certificate sooner. UGC has to upload a fresh list of passed candidates according to the original criteria. It is now open secret that UGC is deliberately delaying the process. 
                  It is a good thing that UGC moved SC by filing SLP, as we have come closer to the final verdict and, of course, to our certificates. Secondly, the verdict of Kerala High Court Division Bench is also taking undue delay. Even if Kerala High Court Division Bench verdicts in favour of us, UGC will get another time to knock SC against the verdict but in SLP, If Supreme Court rejects Special Leave Petition - [ Civil ] [ SLP ],   we may get certificate sooner. 
                So, pray for the dismissal of SLP. Thank you.
Mr. Mahajan and Mr. Etam

The following is the latest updates:

Sunday 7 July 2013

UGC Files Special Leave Petition (SLP) Against Nagpur Verdict in Supreme Court

Dear Friends,
                   UGC has filed Special Leave Petition (SLP) Against Nagpur Verdict in Supreme Court. 

Now the question arises what Special Leave Petition (SLP) means:

                       Special leave petition means that you take special permission to be heard 

in appeal against any High Court/tribunal verdict. Usually any issue decided by the 

State High Court is considered as final, but if there exist any constitutional issue or 

legal issue which can only be clarified by the Supreme Court of India then, this leave is

 granted by the Supreme Court & this is heard as a Civil or Criminal appeal as the case

 may be. Going to the Supreme Court in appeal should not be considered a matter of 

right by any one but it is matter of privilege which only the Supreme Court will grant to

 any individual if there exist an important constitutional or legal issue involved in any

 case that was not properly interpreted by the concerned High Court against whose 

judgment you approach the Highest court of the country not otherwise.

The case status with its no. is shown below.


Mr. Mahajan


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