Monday 28 January 2013

धरना प्रदर्शन [protest against UGC's stand on UGC NET June 2012]

Challo Delhi.........Jeet ab dur nahi.......Sachchai hoti kabhi kamjor nahi......

Dear Friends,
           One of our brothers named Jogindar Ahalawat has been inviting all of 

us for धरना प्रदर्शन [protest against UGC's stand on UGC NET June 2012]. Kindly 

join him and others if possible. It is arranged on 30th January at JANTAR 


ARE WITH YOU. Best of luck.



Tuesday 22 January 2013

Keep Patience till 5th Feb. and 11th Feb

         The verdict of Nagpur Bench is postponed to 11th Feb. and the final hearing of Kerala High Court Division Bench is postponed to 5th Feb. Till then, keep patience. No doubt, the verdict will favour us.

Monday 21 January 2013

Nagpur Court's Verdict

Dear Candidates,
                 The verdict of Nagpur Bench [Mumbai Court] is also expected tomorrow.
Ramesh Patil

Kerala High Court's Division Bench's Verdict TOMORROW

Dear Friends,
                The VERDICT of the  Division Bench of Kerala High Court has postponed TOMORROW. We have to  wait till tomorrow evening. Keep patience. IT WILL COME IN FAVOUR OF US. Post any latest update tomorrow regarding the verdict if u get it earlier.Good luck.

Saturday 19 January 2013

AN IMPORTANT NEWS from a leading newspaper TRIBUNE

Dear Friends,

                        Please confirm this news by contacting following ways:
                               संपादक : 0172-3050216 फैक्स : 2655056
                               पूछताछ, समस्या व सुझाव फीडबैक :
                               संपर्क प्रसार : 0172-3050245, 3050250

यूजीसी को 25 से पहले दोबारा घोषित करना होगा नेट का रिजल्ट

Posted On January - 18 - 2013
जोगिंद्र सिंह/ट्रिब्यून न्यूज सर्विस
चंडीगढ़, 18 जनवरी। यूनिवर्सिटी ग्रांट्स कमीशन (यूजीसी) द्वारा 24 जून 2012 को ली गयी नेशनल एलिजिबिलिटी टेस्ट (नेट) का परिणाम दोबारा घोषित किया जायेगा। गणतंत्र दिवस से पहले हजारों परीक्षार्थियों को पास होने की खुशखबरी मिल सकती है। इस संबंध में सैंकड़ों अभ्यर्थियों ने कोर्ट का दरवाजा खटखटाया था। इन्हीं याचिकाओं का निपटारा करते हुए सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने नेट का रिजल्ट घोषित करने से एक दिन पहले कट आफ प्रतिशत एकदम 15 फीसदी बढ़ाने को अवैध करार देते हुए यूजीसी को पुराने कट आफ के आधार पर फिर से रिजल्ट घोषित  करे। इस आदेश का पालन करने के लिये यूजीसी को 25 जनवरी से पहले संशोधित परीक्षा परिणाम घोषित करना होगा।
याद रहे जून 2012 में पहली बार आब्जेक्टिव टाइप फार्मेट में हुई परीक्षा के परिणाम में भारी अनियमितताएं बरती गयी थीं। इस बार रिकार्ड संख्या में अभ्यर्थियों ने यह परीक्षा दी थी मगर उन्हें तब मायूसी हाथ लगी जब आयोग द्वारा पहले से घोषित कट आफ के मुताबिक पास होने के बावजूद यूजीसी के आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर डाली गयी सूची में उनका नाम नहीं था। सबसे पहले दैनिक ट्रिब्यून द्वारा यह मामला उठाया गया जिस पर यूजीसी ने संज्ञान लेते हुए दोबारा संशोधित परिणाम घोषित किया।
उल्लेखनीय है कि पंजाब विश्वविद्यालय परीक्षा केंद्र से 20 हजार से भी अधिक छात्रों ने परीक्षा दी थी। आंसर की और पुराने क्राइटेरिया के मुताबिक काफी छात्र/छात्राओं को पास होने की उम्मीद थी मगर सूची में अपना नाम न पाकर उनमें मायूसी छा गयी। एजुकेशन विषय में नेट परीक्षा देने वाली मीनाक्षी धीमान ने यूजीसी द्वारा पहले डाली गयी आंसर की को अपनी ओएमआर शीट से मिलाया जिसके मुताबिक वह पास थी। 18 सितंबर को आयोग द्वारा जारी किये नतीजों में मीनाक्षी को फेल कर दिया। मजे की बात यह है कि मीनाक्षी ओबीसी कैटेगरी से थी और उसे यूजीसी द्वारा नेट का रिजल्ट घोषित किये जाने के बाद दिये गये क्वालीफाइंग क्राइटेरिया के अनुसार भी पास थी। मीनाक्षी का रोल नंबर 48091297 है और उसके पहले पेपर में 64 अंक आये जो कि क्वालीफाइंग से अधिक से हैं। दूसरे और तीसरे में भी क्रमश: 60 और 86 अंक आये। ओबीसी के लिये कुलांक 60 प्रतिशत यानी 210 अंक की शर्त रखी गयी है जिसे मीनाक्षी पूरा करती थी मगर फिर भी उसे फेल कर दिया गया है। अखबारों में समाचार छपने और शिकायतों के बाद यूजीसी ने एक और संशोधित सूची निकाली जिसमें मीनाक्षी को पास दर्शाया गया। मगर मीनाक्षी अकेली नहीं थी जिसे यूजीसी की इस कारगुजारी से झटका लगा था। नेहा शर्मा के तीनों पेपरों में कुल 60 प्रतिशत अंक हैं जबकि नेहा मिश्रा, हिना मिश्रा, गुरलीन कौर जतिदंरबीर सिंह, उषा देवी आदि अनेक अभ्यर्थी हैं जो पहले डाली गयी आंसर की के मुताबिक तो पास थे और यूजीसी द्वारा लेक्चररशिप के लिये दिये गये क्राइटेरिया पर खरे उतरते थे। यह क्राइटेरिया कुछ इस प्रकार से था कि पहले पेपर में 40 फीसदी, दूसरे में भी 40 फीसदी और 50 फीसदी अंक तीसरे पेपर में पास होने के लिये चाहिए थे। आयोग ने रिजल्ट घोषित करने से पहले पलटी मारी और लेक्चररशिप की योग्यता पाने के लिये कैटेगरीवाइज क्वालीफाइंग  क्राइटेरिया थोंप दिया। आयोग ने केवल सामान्य वर्ग के लिये पास प्रतिशतता बढ़ाकर 65 कर दी, ओबीसी के लिये 60 प्रतिशत कर दी और एससी/एसटी के लिये 55 फीसदी कर दी। हजारों अभ्यर्थियों में इस बात को लेकर रोष था कि नेट के लिये पहले तय क्राइटेरिया को बदलने या सख्त करने की क्या जरुरत आन पड़ी। इसी को कोर्ट ने गंभीरता से लिया और कहा कि यूजीसी ने अपनी शक्तियों का प्रयोग प्रोपर,फेयर और रीजनेबल तरीके से नहीं किया। लिहाजा रिजल्ट आउट करने के ठीक पहले अंक बढ़ाना न्यायोचित नहीं है। सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने साफ किया कि जो अभ्यर्थी पहले दिये गये क्राइटेरिया को पार करते हैं उन्हें पास घोषित किया जाये। इसमें केवल वे ही परीक्षार्थी आयेंगे जिन्होंने जून की परीक्षा दी थी।
याद रहे पहले दिसंबर 2011 में पुराने ढर्रे पर आयोजित परीक्षा में जनरल कैटेगरी के छात्रों को पहले और दूसरे पेपर में 40-40 प्रतिशत अलग-अलग और दोनों में मिलाकर 50 फीसदी लेने होते थे जो कि ओबीसी और एससी/एसटी के लिये पहले दो पेपरों में 35-35 फीसदी थे। तीसरे पेपर में जनरल कैटेगरी के लिये    45 फीसदी पास मार्क होते थे जिसे अब बढ़ाकर 50 किया गया था। रिजर्व कैटेगरी के लिये यह क्रमश: 40 और 35 प्रतिशत होता था। मजे की बात यह है कि तीसरा पेपर भी आब्जेक्टिव टाइप हो जाने के बाद कुलांक की शर्त पहले दो पेपरों से हटाकर अब तीनों के लिये लागू कर दी गयी है।     आब्जेक्टिव टाइप पेपर होने पर पहली बार आये परिणाम में जेआरएफ को लगभग उतना ही रखते हुए 3625 को उत्तीर्ण किया गया जबकि नेट के लिये 40332 को पास घोषित किया गया जो पिछली बार के मुकाबले लगभग चार गुना अधिक हैं। बाद में सप्लीमेंटरी रिजल्ट में 13493 लेक्चररशिप पात्रता में और 1685 जेआरएफ में पास घोषित कर दिये गये। जून में आयोजित नेट परीक्षा पहली बार आब्जेक्टिव टाइप फार्मेट में हुई थी। इस बार परीक्षा का तीसरा पेपर भी आब्जेक्टिव टाइप होने से भारी संख्या में छात्रों ने यह परीक्षा पास की है। नेट की परीक्षा में बैठने वाले 5,71,627 उम्मीदवारों में से सप्लीमेंटरी रिजल्ट के बाद जेआरएफ/नेट पास करने वालों की संख्या 62,760 हो गयी।

Thursday 17 January 2013


Dear Brothers,
            UGC has newly published the following criteria for NET June 2012 Result including supplementary result.
    Important Note:
                        I think that the candidates who met the minimum qualifying marks and aggregate in each category  are declared passed in the first phase and the candidates who met the minimum qualifying marks but not the aggregate in each category and in each subject but are in top 7% lot are declared passed in the supplementary result. Kindly confirm from the website of UGC. For more information, see the following attachment which is taken from the the website of UGC
Pravin Gupta


The qualifying criteria for June-2012 
“Those candidates who had made it to the consideration zone, i.e., those 
who  received a minimum of 40%, 40% & 50% marks in Paper-I, Paper-II and PaperIII respectively for General Category; 35%, 35% & 45% marks in Paper-I, Paper-II 
and Paper-III respectively for OBC (Non-creamy layer) Category and 35%, 35% & 
40% marks in Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III respectively for SC/ST/PWD Category 
and those who secured aggregate percentage (obtained by combining marks of 
Paper-I, II & III) of  65% for `General category, 60% for OBC (Non-creamy layer)  and 
55% for SC/ST/PWD category candidates (This is the same criterion as decided by 
the earlier Moderation Committee). 
Those candidates who figure among top 7% of all the candidates who appeared in 
NET; this shall be calculated separately for each discipline and for each category 
(SC/ST/OBC(Non Creamy Layer)/PWD). Accordingly a cut-off will be determined for 
each subject and each category for this purpose. In case of tie (when several 
students have same identical aggregate marks) all the candidates appearing at the 
qualifying marks shall be included. Candidates who do not secure minimum required 
score in each paper and are therefore not in the consideration zone, will not be 
included in this list even if they fall among the top 7% within their subject and 

Monday 14 January 2013

Kerala High Court Division Bench's Final Hearing on 21st Jan. 2013

Hi friends ,
             Our Friend has posted this important information on facebook. I am just posting it here in the interest of all candidates. I beg his pardon that I have not taken his permission.
The Kerala HC DB final hearing posted on 21 Jan 2013, so better to wait for Kerala HC DB hearing /decision and if ugc move to SC after the KHC DB decision then only we decide to go Supreme Court against UGC .

An appeal is a petition to a higher court by the losing party in a lawsuit to overturn a lower court's ruling.Here we are the winning party and ugc is the losing party .For filing an appeal the winning party turned as respondents . 

As per the guidelines of SC : Complaints against Central/ State Government Departments and Local Bodies are not entertained as Public
Interest Litigation and these may be returned to the petitioners.

That why our case is comes under Writ petition .A writ is a directive from a higher court ordering a lower court or government official to take a certain action in accordance with the law.Writs are extraordinary court orders and only issued when a moving party (the one seeking the writ)
has no other options. Suggestions welcome !!


A case against UGC in Karnataka

Hi friends ,
             Our Friend has posted this important information on facebook. I am just posting it here in the interest of all candidates. I beg his pardon that I have not taken his permission.

Nagpur a bench of High Court of Bombay

Hi friends ,
             Our Friend has posted this important information on facebook  I am just posting it here in the interest of all candidates. I beg his pardon that I have not taken his permission.

Subject-wise cum Category-wise Aggregate Qualifying Cut-off Percentage and Number of Qualified Candidates for Lectureship Eligibility June 2012

Hi friends ,
             Our Friend has posted this important information on facebook  I am just posting it here in the interest of all candidates. I beg his pardon that I have not taken his permission.

Sunday 13 January 2013

SC orders UGC: Publish revised result till 18th Jan.

Dear Friends,
         I found this news regarding latest updates. See whether it is true?

तो और बढ़ेगी नेट पास करने वालों की संख्या
मेरठ : यूजीसी-नेट की परीक्षा में एकाएक कट ऑफ सूची के मानक बदले जाने के विरोध में यूजीसी के खिलाफ चल रही छात्रों की रार में अंतत: छात्रों को सफलता मिली है। छात्रों की याचिका पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने 18 जनवरी तक पूर्व में घोषित पैटर्न पर ही रिजल्ट घोषित करने को कहा है। यूजीसी-नेट के रिजल्ट घोषित होने और इसके मानक को लेकर मेरठ के छात्रों ने पिछले दिनों सर्वोच्च अदालत का दरवाजा खटखटाया था। छात्रों का तर्क था कि यूजीसी ने परीक्षा के पूर्व उत्तीण होने के मानक के तौर पर कहा था कि प्रत्येक छात्रों को प्रथम, द्वितीय और तृतीय प्रश्नपत्र में क्रमश: 40, 40 और 50 अंक हासिल करने होंगे। लेकिन जब रिजल्ट निकाला तो इसके साथ तीनों प्रश्नपत्रों के कुल अंक न्यूनतम 65 फीसदी की अनिवार्यता कर दी, जो कि उचित नहीं है। छात्रों का कहना था कि एकाएक नए क्लॉज लगाने से बड़ी संख्या में छात्र अनुत्तीर्ण रह गए। अब सर्वोच्च अदालत के फैसले से छात्र उत्साहित हैं और उनका कहना है कि इसका लाभ बड़ी संख्या में छात्रों को मिलेगा।

Saturday 12 January 2013

Justice Delayed, Justice Denied

Dear Victims,
              The sad news is that, as you may know, UGC has moved into the high court of Kerala before The Division Bench. So if the verdict again is issued in favour of us, UGC may move into Supreme Court. The process will be again delayed. So the waiting till 17th January has become invalid.
              Secondly, some candidates are losing their jobs because they do not have NET certificates.
              Thirdly, there are some incidents of committing suicides by NET candidates recently.             
So the candidates need to come together to file case in Supreme Court.  UGC is deliberately delaying the whole process.
              Please leave your suggestions here for us so that we must get result as early as possible. 

Thursday 10 January 2013

Nagpur [Maharashtra] High court's last chance for University Grants Commission to name National Eligibility Test criteria

NAGPUR: The University Grants Commission(UGC) on Monday came under fire from the Nagpur bench of Mumbai high court for its failure to come clear on the issue of fixing eligibility criteria for the National Eligibility Test (NET). A division bench comprising justices AP Lavande and Arun Chaudhari granted two weeks to the apex education body as the final chance to decide its policy. The judges further warned that it will proceed with orders, if UGC fails to file a reply within the stipulated period, and asked UGC officials to be present at the next hearing.

The court's stringent orders came while hearing a plea filed by Gokulpeth resident Sayalee Surjuse, who has challenged a UGC notification imposing minimum qualifying criteria for NET conducted on June 24 last year. The test is conducted simultaneously across the country for various subjects for lectureship and junior research fellowship (JRF).

Citing UGC's notification on its website, petitioner's counsel Trupti Udeshi said the candidate had to score 40% in first two pears and 50% in the third. She contended that there was no mention of the necessity to score above a specified aggregate of all three papers, which will be the criteria for final qualification. She also said that this criteria was never communicated till the declaration of the result.

When NET results were declared on September 18, Sayalee was declared failed. It was only after she enquired that she came to know that UGC had fixed 65% aggregate criteria for the qualification. She claimed to have scored 59.43% aggregate in all three papers and also cleared them individually. Citing scheme of exam by UGC, she demanded that she should be declared successful.

She sought directives from the court to quash the UGC notification of June 24 fixing the eligibility criteria NET at 65% aggregate for general category by holding it arbitrary, illegal and unsustainable in law.

The judges pulled up UGC for its lacklustre approach to the plight of candidates from Maharashtra, stating that the apex body had not responded properly to a case based on the same grounds in other states. In Kerala, the HC had ruled in favour of candidates by quashing the UGC notification, as the number of candidates were much more.

For more information, kindly visit:

UGC plea against verdict on NET criteria

KOCHI, January 10, 2013: The University Grants Commission (UGC) on Wednesday filed an appeal in the Kerala High Court against a single judge’s verdict quashing the new qualifying criteria prescribed by the UGC in the National Eligibility Test (NET) for lectureships.
The single judge had held that the UGC regulations did not confer any right on the UGC to fix high marks after holding the NET. Nor such criteria could be introduced through regulation just before the announcement of the results by executive orders. The introduction of the new criteria was not supported by the law. As per the new criteria, candidates in the general category who had scored an aggregate of 65 per cent for all three papers would be eligible for lectureship while OBC candidates need 60 per cent and the marks for candidates in the SC/ST category was 55 per cent.
The single judge had also declared that the petitioners who had obtained separate minimum marks prescribed in the UGC notification had cleared the NET. The court had ordered that they should be given the necessary certificates in a month.
In its appeal, the UGC contended that the High Court had no right to make a declaration regarding the result of a test. It had been clearly stated in the original notification that candidates should obtain minimum required marks in each paper separately. It had also been said that the qualifying criteria for Junior Research Fellowship and eligibility for lectureship would be decided by the UGC before declaration of results. It was the moderation committee appointed by the UGC and consisting of senior academicians which had recommended that the general, OBC (non-creamy layer) and SC/ST candidates would be required to obtain an aggregate percentage of 65, 60 and 55 respectively in addition to the paper-wise minimum percentage as qualifying criteria. The notification had clearly said that the final cut-off marks shall be decided by the Commission before declaration of results. The single judge’s ruling would lower the standard of education, the UGC said.

For more information, kindly visit:

Monday 7 January 2013

Students' federations and organizations' move

Dear Friends,
            As everyone is eagerly waiting for 17th January, 2013 as Judgment day, many federations and organizations of students from all over India are being phoned by the candidates about UGC's move and our preparations against it.
            But many organizations and federations are pacifying candidates assuring that let see UGC's reaction first against the verdict till 17th January, 2013 and then decide.
           Some candidates are also spying UGC's scheduled meeting (it is expected that they will meet on the verdict and take decision on filing in Supreme Court) on verdict by two honorable courts and some are yet hopeful that they have kept their fingers crossed.
           In fine, as per the discussions and messages being circulated among candidates, everyone is eagerly waiting for 17th January as the Judgment day. Let see how patience pays as the day approaches.
           Kindly upload here if you find any latest update. Good luck.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Justice Ramachandra Menon said judgment would be applicable to all irrespective of the fact that they were petitioners to the case or not.

 Dear Friends,
                        The following is the latest news from The Hindu regarding Justice Ramchandra Menon's clarification regarding application of Kerala High Court verdict to non-petitioners too.         
           " The benefit of a single Bench order quashing the new qualifying criteria prescribed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) after holding the National Eligibility Test (NET) for lectureships will be available to all eligible candidates, the Kerala High Court held on Tuesday.
Justice T.R. Ramachandran Nair had earlier held that UGC regulations did not confer any right on the UGC to fix high marks after holding the NET.
He also maintained that such criteria cannot be introduced just before the announcement of the results by executive orders.
The introduction of the new criteria was not supported by law.
In his order on Tuesday, Justice P.R. Ramachandra Menon said the apex court had earlier held that if a judgment was rather declaratory, it would be applicable to all irrespective of the fact that they were petitioners to the case or not.
The verdict passed by the single judge was declaratory in nature, the court said disposing of a batch of petitions seeking to obtain the benefits of the judgment by the single judge.
Justice T.R. Ramachandran Nair had observed that the students were jolted when the UGC all of a sudden prescribed the percentage of the aggregate marks. The adoption of such norms at the final stage and just before the declaration of the results had affected the candidates.
Justice P.R. Ramachandra Menon, in the order on Tuesday, said since the petitioners sought the benefits of the declaratory judgment, the court did not find any reason to take a different course." 

For more information plz visit this link:

Saturday 5 January 2013

Brief history of Kerala and Supreme Court Case Verdict

Dear Friends,
               Many  candidates have been visiting my blog and such a tab under Facebook and they ask about the happenings and updates regarding court case, its verdict and its application. So I am elaborating it in brief.
              As you know some candidates (approximately 2000) filed a petition in Kerala High Court against the UGC's arbitrary decision of raising the criteria post exam and post result. Kerala High Court gave verdict in favour of these candidates or petitioners. The verdict of Kerala High Court is applicable to the petitioners only. BUT ONE OF THE ADVOCATES OF THE PETITIONERS APPEALED TO SUPREME COURT THAT AS THE VERDICT IS GIVEN UNDER THE ARTICLE 32 OF THE CONSTITUTION, IT SHOULD BE MADE APPLICABLE TO OTHER NON-PETITIONERS TOO. SO THE SUPREME COURT ORDERED UGC TO MAKE THE VERDICT APPLICABLE TO ALL INCLUDING BOTH PETITIONERS AND NON-PETITIONERS.
               Now the point is if Supreme Court has issued the order, it must be found out on the website. Some students are striving hard to search it on the website but you can not get it . Because, dear friends, actually it is not the order because the case in not run in Supreme Court. So how can it be got there? As the verdict of Kerala high court is issued on the basis of or under the Article 32 of the Constitution, Supreme court just  made it applicable to non petitioners only. So some students are raising doubts on newspapers' fidelity and asking case no. Don't do it. You will not get it. There is no point of case no. and so on.
             So the point is whether UGC will issue certificates to petitioners and non-petitioners or file an appeal against the verdict of Kerala High Court in Supreme Court? See, we have to wait till 17th January 2013 as this is the deadline prescribed by the Kerala High Court to UGC to file case in Supreme Court. After that, everything will be clear. If UGC file, we will have to see whether Supreme Court accepts it or not. In my opinion, Supreme Court will not accept as UGC had already taken too many hearings. And if the Supreme Court accepts, we will have wait for the verdict. Till then good luck.

Thursday 3 January 2013

3rd January, 2013

Dear Friends,
            I came to know that some one with other candidates visited UGC  and tried to hand over them the copy of the Kerala High Court. but UGC rejected it clarifying that they are moving into SC.
           Secondly one candidate has said that UGC has moved SC today against the verdict of Kerala High court. I have asked him about the thread through which he got information but I have not received any reply back. AS SOON AS I GET, I WILL UPLOAD HERE. GOOD LUCK.

Tuesday 1 January 2013


Dear Friends,
        U know there was our friend who had opened such a blog regarding updating ugc net exam court case. Now it is not working more. Now I have decided to shoulder that responsibility. Now I would update it, even though I am new to it, if necessary, we will unite and fight together.
      Let's wait for what UGC do first. Whether do they appeal in Supreme Court against the verdict of Kerala High Court or not? The Supreme Court is about to open tomorrow. We have to wait for its filing. If u find latest news, post it not this blog. Thank u. Happy new year.

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